What is Charm School

Charm School is a beauty inspired podcast catered to today’s savvy beauty advocate and consumer. Let’s *refine* your beauty iQ with help from the most credible and relevant industry leaders and *polish* up the answers to your most commonly asked questions.
We host a collection of on going guests to provide our audience with the most well-rounded education, wisdom, and perspectives from today’s most sought after professionals. With a focus on beauty and aesthetics, Charm School also sprinkles in the occasional lifestyle topics from time to time (because us Charm School gals love anything that is aesthetically pleasing and makes the soul happy!)
At Charm School, our mission is to deliver our audience with the most *proper* and credible beauty and aesthetics knowledge. We strive to inspire a more knowledgeable professional community by connecting our audience to amazing guests and resources most relevant to our industry. We are dedicated to enhance patient and consumer safety, and overall awareness of an industry that can be confusing to navigate. Our vision is to inspire an elevated patient and consumer experience delivered to you on a Charm School embossed silver platter. Welcome to Charm School!